

We need to make people understand that those who are different form us ,that those who are different form us,are not necessarily wrong or evil,and that they do not have to be fought or opposed,
but they need to be understood,Because our nation is a nation of many different peoples with different aspirations,It is that much more important for us,differences can be a strength and not a weakness.
(我們必須讓人們了解,與我們不同的人不一定是錯或邪惡的,不必要去對抗或反對他們,他們必須被了解,因為我們的國家有許多不同的人, 有不同的抱負,所以對我們而言,更重要的是,了解差異可以是一種力量 ,而不是一種缺陷)

翁山蘇姬(Aung San Suu Kyi)日前訪澳洲,談到擔任聯合國愛滋病「零歧視」大使。資料來源:蘋果日報


We need to make people understand that those who are different form us ,that those who are different form us,are not necessarily wrong or evil,and that they do not have to be fought or opposed,but they need to be understood,Because our nation is a nation of many different peoples with different aspirations,It is that much more important for us,differences can be a strength and not a weakness.
(我們必須讓人們了解,與我們不同的人不一定是錯或邪惡的,不必要去對抗或反對他們,他們必須被了解,因為我們的國家有許多不同的人, 有不同的抱負,所以對我們而言,更重要的是,了解差異可以是一種力量 ,而不是一種缺陷)

翁山蘇姬(Aung San Suu Kyi)日前訪澳洲,談到擔任聯合國愛滋病「零歧視」大使。資料來源:蘋果日報


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